Sedona Village Partnership 2022-2025

Strategic Plan

Goal 1: Operational sustainability

Establish consistent operational excellence that enables SVP to support our mission and strategic initiatives, and to create a community-recognized viable and sustainable organization.

Objective A

Evaluate, re-visit, refine, our organization’s initiatives by:

  • Activity 1: Holding an annual Board retreat to ensure that we stay on strategic track and refine

  • Activity 2: Holding quarterly Board meetings to assess progress against our goals, and to conduct general business

  • Activity 3: Conducting Ad Hoc meetings to enable the Board to conduct business and to vote on SVP matters

  • Activity 4: Holding Executive Board meetings to support listed activities and initiatives that fit within the strategic plan—with a shifting of priorities

Objective B

Assess and put into place the organizational structure necessary to ensure SVP’s success, and to reduce its liabilities:

  • Activity 1: Obtain Directors & Officers insurance

  • Activity 2: Decide and establish ongoing partnerships with a web hosting company, banks, insurance companies, legal firms, and others that support SVP through their respective services

Objective C:

Establish our external branding and awareness:

  • Activity 1: Promote and develop our brand and logo

  • Activity 2: Create and maintain a website, with periodic updates

  • Activity 3: Promote social media traffic, including newsletters using existing email distribution lists

  • Activity 4: Create brochures and other collateral that represent our brand and organizational mission

  • Activity 5: Bring SVP Partners together to network and create opportunities for collaboration through an annual mixer/social event

Goal 2: Community Engagement

Be an active, visible, viable community organization that initiates, sponsors, or co-sponsors community forums, events, and fundraising efforts.

Objective A

Host and/or support approximately four community events each year:

  • Activity 1: Shining Stars Awards Dinner

  • Activity 2: Dancing Under the Stars

  • Activity 3: Co-sponsor a fundraiser for the Village Library

  • Activity 4: Co-sponsor the annual Community BBQ

  • Activity 5: Collaborate and support the community and the BPRCC, on the Art on the Roundabouts Project

Objective B

Inform the community about Sedona Village Partnership’s activities:

  • Activity 1: Submit quarterly articles about SVP activities to The Villager

  • Activity 2: Submit press releases about sponsored events to local media outlets

  • Activity 3: Attend organization meetings such as those of the Big Park Regional Coordinating Council and the Sedona Chamber of Commerce to inform members about SVP and its activities