Real Purpose

Enduring Impact

Our Purpose: To add unique value to our community through individual, organizational, and business collaboration; leveraging available resources, knowledge, and talent; inspiring creative solutions to challenges; and giving flight to Village dreams

Our Activities

The Sedona Village Partnership supports worthy not-for-profit education and entertainment activities through fund-raising and event creation and sponsorship, hosting dining and musical gatherings for our community with a cadre of over 60 volunteers.

We provide seed/venture capital for not-for-profits which concentrate on community building/strengthening.

We have donated funds for a Verde Valley Town Hall forum, for space rental to develop our Community Plan, and start-up funds for a neighborhood pre-school.

Building Community

SVP is committed to strengthening our community whether through financial support or the creation and hosting of social gatherings. We believe our community becomes a better place to live when we know our neighbors, when we share institutional-building efforts, and when we work to fulfill unmet needs. There are many resources that we can call upon, and this page is destined to share such resources for the enlightenment of the reader.

A sampling of our past work in the community:

01 — Start-up Grant to Sedona Village Learning Center

In 2020, SVP provided a start-up grant to the Sedona Village Learning Center, a private not for profit pre-school here in the Village. The $5000 grant was issued subject to reimbursement on a best efforts basis. Over 80% of the grant has been returned to SVP for use in other opportunities.

02 — Grant for Space Rental for Community Plan

In 2021, at the request of the Big Park Regional Coordinating COuncil, SVP made a grant of $1200 for payment of space rental at the Sedona Arts Academy to enable the Council to conduct meetings focused on the development of the Council’s Vision Statement.

03 — Grant for Verde Valley Town Hall

At the request of community leaders, SVP in 2019 made a grant of $3000 to assist with the Arizona Town Hall meeting here in the Verde Valley.

04 — Shining Star Recognition of John/Nikki Ramagli

SVP hosted an awards ceremony in 2022 to recognize and celebrate the community contributions of John and Nikki Ramagli.

05 - Halloween Pet Parade

In the fall of 2020, SVP hosted a Halloween Pet Parade which attracted over 125 attendants with their costumed pets.

06 - Fiscal Agent for Art in the Roundabouts Project

SVP has entered into a bilateral agreement with the Big Park Council to receive and disburse funds related to the installation of artwork in the Village’s four roundabouts. In addition, SVP has donated $350 to underwrite the cost of an Art in the Roundabouts website, utilized in part to conduct community surveys about the project.

07 - Country Elegant Paella Dinner

SVP hosted a well-attended paella dinner at the home of Philip and Camille Cox which raised over $7000 for the Sedona Village Learning Center.

08 - Argentine Dinner and Dancing

SVP co-hosted an evening of Argentine cuisine and tango dancing as a benefit for the Camilla Ross’ Sedona Arts Academy.

Help SVP Continue Its Work to Bring Positive Impacts to Our Community